anxiety, coping mechanisms, self-care, social anxiety, therapy
Social anxiety coping mechanisms
Self-help strategies to cope with social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) help can come in many forms. Although treatment is available and effective for SAD, it is estimated that only 25 percent of people with the disorder ever receive treatment.1

While not a substitute for professional treatment, for those that may otherwise receive no help, self-help is a good starting point. The self-help strategies for social anxiety disorder outlined below can be used at home to overcome your symptoms.

Social Coping

Identifying social skills that could use a bit of work and then focusing on improving them could help cope with the thoughts and emotions that come with social anxiety disorder.


Many people with social anxiety disorder lack assertiveness and can benefit from learning to become more assertive through self-help strategies.2

Practice becoming more assertive by communicating your needs in a calm and relaxed way that respects the needs of others. Usually, this takes the form of “I” statements3 such as “I feel hurt when you don’t respond to my phone calls.” Learning to say no is also an important part of being assertive3 and a skill that most people with social anxiety struggle with.

Nonverbal Communication

Improving your nonverbal communication skills is another area in which you can employ self-help strategies if you live with social anxiety.

Most people with social anxiety tend to adopt a “closed-off” stance; you may do this without even realizing it. Learning how to have a relaxed posture (e.g. hands at your sides, good eye contact) encourages others to respond positively to you and makes you appear more approachable.

Developing body confidence in this way will help you to become more confident in social interactions.

Verbal Communication

In addition to adopting a relaxed body posture, knowing how to start conversations, keep them going, and listen attentively are skills that you can develop through self-help strategies.

As an example, one quick tip for joining a group of people in conversation is to listen first and then make a comment about what they are already talking about. For example, “Are you talking about the election results? I couldn’t believe them either.”

Expose yourself to as many opportunities as possible to develop your verbal communication abilities. Practice being a good listener, asking open-ended questions, and sharing stories about yourself so that others can get to know you better.

Telling Others About Your Social Anxiety

It’s likely your closest family and friends already have an idea of your social anxiety. If you want to tell someone specific, send a message that there is something you’d like to share and arrange a time at a quiet place to talk.

If you feel too nervous to explain your situation, write down a summary of what you’ve been feeling. It’s best to share your symptoms so that the other person can gain an understanding of what you are going through.

Remember that social anxiety disorder is still a little-understood condition and others may need some help to understand.

Emotional Coping

Fear and negative thoughts are two of the most common emotions when you have social anxiety. A few simple strategies can help you overcome them.

Deep Breathing

Having social anxiety means that you probably have strong emotional reactions in social situations. One way to reduce these anxious reactions is for your body to be in a relaxed state. When your body is relaxed, your breathing is slow and natural, and your mind is free of negative thoughts, making it easier to enjoy being with others.

You probably breathe too quickly in anxiety-provoking situations, which in turn makes your other anxiety symptoms worse. Below are some steps to manage your anxious and shallow breathing.

How to Practice Deep Breathing

  1. Count the number of breaths that you take in one minute (count an inhale and exhale as one). Make a note of this number. The average person will take 10 to 12 breaths per minute.
  2. Focus on your breathing. Inhale and exhale through your nose. Take deep breaths from your diaphragm instead of shallow breaths from your chest. Inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 3 seconds (use a watch or clock with a second hand). As you exhale, think “relax” and release tension in your muscles. Continue breathing this way for 5 minutes.
  3. Count your breaths per minute again and see if the number has gone down.
  4. Practice this breathing technique 4 times per day when you are already relaxed.

When in social situations, make sure that you are breathing the way that you practiced. In time, this way of breathing will become automatic.4

Reducing Negative Thinking

If you live with social anxiety, you probably misinterpret comments or facial expressions made by other people, which contributes to your emotional reactions.5 In particular, there are two common thought patterns that can contribute to your anxiety.

  • Mindreading: You assume that you know what other people are thinking about you (e.g. “Everyone can see how anxious I am.”).
  • Personalizing: You assume that the behaviors of others are related to you (e.g. “He looks bored, I shouldn’t have invited him to this movie.”).

The thoughts that you have are so automatic that you probably don’t even realize you are thinking them. Below are some steps to better managing your negative thoughts.

How to Reduce Negative Thoughts

  1. Think back to a recent social situation in which you felt anxious. Write down what your negative thoughts were before, during, and after the situation.
  2. Ask yourself questions to challenge your negative thoughts. For example, if your negative automatic thought was “People are yawning, they must think that I am boring,” ask yourself “Could there be a different explanation?” In this case, your alternative thought could be “It probably had nothing to do with me, they were just tired.”
  3. Try to notice the automatic negative thoughts that you have before, during, and after feared social situations, and challenge them with alternatives.

Facing Your Fears

Avoiding feared situations may reduce your emotional reactions in the short term, but in the long term, it severely limits your life. In addition, the number of situations that you fear grows as your fear becomes more general. On the other hand, gradual exposure to social situations will help to reduce the anxiety and emotional reactions that you associate with them.

Below are some strategies to overcome avoidance.

  • Identify the top 10 situations that you avoid.
  • For each situation on the list, break it down into a series of steps, increasing in difficulty. For example, if you are afraid of being the center of attention, your steps might look like this:
  • Tell a funny story about yourself to a group of people that you know well.
  • Tell a funny story about yourself to a group of people that you don’t know well.
  • Voice your true opinion to a group of friends.
  • Voice your true opinion to a group of strangers.
  • Make a toast at dinner with people whom you know well.
  • Make a toast at dinner with people whom you don’t know well.
  • Practice each step as much as you need to before moving on to the next. If you notice anxiety, challenge your negative thinking and use the slow breathing technique to relax.

Note that the specific list you create will depend on your fears. For example, you might feel more afraid of speaking in front of people you know well versus a crowd of strangers. In this case, you would reverse items on the list.

Day-to-Day Strategies

Below are some tips to help you cope with social anxiety on a day-to-day basis, such as while at work or attending school.

  • Tell your employer so that you can receive accommodations or supports in the workplace.
  • Arrive to meetings early so you can meet people one-by-one as they arrive.
  • Make a list of questions to ask your teacher or supervisor and start with the least anxiety-provoking ones.
  • Keep up on current events so that you will be able to participate in small talk.
  • Avoid using alcohol to overcome inhibitions.
  • Choose a job for which you have passion so that even the most challenging aspects of work in terms of your social anxiety will seem worth it.
  • Make new friends by greeting people, giving compliments, and starting brief conversations.
  • Get regular exercise, eat healthy food, and avoid caffeine and sugar to reduce your anxiety.

Mistakes to Avoid

There are a number of common mistakes that people make when trying to overcome social anxiety through self-help strategies. Avoiding these mistakes will ensure that you aren’t making things worse.

  • Never try to control your anxiety. The more you see it as something awful that needs to be eliminated, the more focused you will be on it and the harder it will be to reduce.
  • Don’t focus on being perfect. Instead, focus on accepting worst-case scenarios and then work backward from there.
  • Never accept social anxiety as a personality trait. While you might be an introvert or have a tendency to be shy, social anxiety disorder is a mental health issue that does not define who you are. It is possible to overcome your anxiety and live a fulfilling life.
  • While there is some evidence that cannabidiol (CBD), a component of marijuana, may be helpful for social anxiety, there are also risks associated with its use.6 Be sure to carefully balance any risks and benefits when considering using this as a coping strategy.


anxiety, depression, humor, self-care

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Skateboard occupy ramps sriracha irony, beard four loko. Venmo taxidermy palo santo chicharrones, chartreuse 8-bit literally sartorial hexagon. Butcher four loko whatever shaman next level woke asymmetrical +1 pitchfork squid seitan. Brooklyn air plant craft beer, kinfolk occupy meggings food truck pinterest bitters jianbing VHS next level fingerstache. Crucifix flannel PBR&B thundercats lumbersexual blue bottle coloring book fam bushwick ethical kickstarter. Yuccie neutra listicle butcher kitsch. Kitsch fanny pack flannel, la croix pork belly +1 kogi fixie everyday carry enamel pin thundercats try-hard disrupt venmo.

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anxiety, self-care, social media

I’m baby migas taiyaki roof party tilde fanny pack hexagon. Occupy organic fixie, dreamcatcher snackwave twee vinyl lo-fi activated charcoal hammock lumbersexual banh mi trust fund thundercats 3 wolf moon. Try-hard ramps tousled small batch unicorn leggings pickled truffaut iceland taiyaki palo santo enamel pin VHS. Fingerstache adaptogen freegan, bicycle rights lyft truffaut try-hard organic actually portland master cleanse poke. Tumeric listicle cronut hexagon adaptogen fanny pack freegan kickstarter intelligentsia gluten-free. Seitan poke tbh 3 wolf moon celiac artisan tumblr air plant. Live-edge hashtag williamsburg readymade chicharrones, sustainable hexagon af hammock tacos literally roof party kombucha post-ironic.

Pork belly XOXO irony, paleo kitsch bushwick lo-fi brunch. Mustache palo santo flannel wayfarers, crucifix yuccie synth pork belly. Yr tumeric pour-over XOXO hexagon 90’s sustainable, coloring book butcher gluten-free tbh pinterest. Viral lomo coloring book readymade, fanny pack vape heirloom freegan forage hammock craft beer.

Skateboard occupy ramps sriracha irony, beard four loko. Venmo taxidermy palo santo chicharrones, chartreuse 8-bit literally sartorial hexagon. Butcher four loko whatever shaman next level woke asymmetrical +1 pitchfork squid seitan. Brooklyn air plant craft beer, kinfolk occupy meggings food truck pinterest bitters jianbing VHS next level fingerstache. Crucifix flannel PBR&B thundercats lumbersexual blue bottle coloring book fam bushwick ethical kickstarter. Yuccie neutra listicle butcher kitsch. Kitsch fanny pack flannel, la croix pork belly +1 kogi fixie everyday carry enamel pin thundercats try-hard disrupt venmo.


anxiety, depression, self-care

Pop-up banjo enim laborum nulla heirloom sartorial synth ut est +1 pabst. Tofu gentrify do lyft 8-bit tousled. Food truck sunt la croix VHS locavore sustainable. 8-bit bushwick asymmetrical, viral typewriter palo santo before they sold out adaptogen crucifix. Pok pok sustainable mixtape marfa. Waistcoat cronut laborum roof party four dollar toast cold-pressed. Do taiyaki voluptate letterpress, biodiesel wayfarers freegan ugh normcore single-origin coffee viral 90’s veniam farm-to-table brunch.

Copper mug lorem ut, mumblecore aliquip nostrud sriracha ut before they sold out laborum tattooed consequat typewriter chia kombucha. Sed esse godard hammock. Esse synth plaid woke snackwave. Dolor lyft umami gluten-free culpa small batch, tumblr cliche cupidatat vegan eu. VHS YOLO shaman, etsy synth beard food truck non umami cronut wolf commodo aesthetic franzen bicycle rights. Vape kickstarter lumbersexual crucifix thundercats, irony food truck. 8-bit intelligentsia gluten-free, dreamcatcher succulents you probably haven’t heard of them 3 wolf moon bitters sriracha magna.

Deserunt tote bag veniam, velit put a bird on it occaecat pickled polaroid chicharrones qui. Distillery ut sunt, hell of health goth master cleanse sartorial man bun pok pok ipsum. Consequat yr pabst duis locavore, swag intelligentsia ex mumblecore dolore selvage aliquip proident before they sold out. Tousled fingerstache flannel four loko street art. Lo-fi taxidermy fam, letterpress jianbing disrupt ut pariatur lomo keffiyeh. Commodo air plant lorem semiotics prism aliqua godard pariatur proident.

Non sriracha whatever, brooklyn vexillologist echo park twee excepteur. Fingerstache skateboard listicle activated charcoal, mlkshk duis four loko flannel normcore. Viral venmo exercitation vice wayfarers chia. Tousled drinking vinegar nisi bushwick sartorial raw denim ut, jean shorts ethical tattooed meditation.

Bitters banh mi chartreuse vinyl, umami direct trade 90’s williamsburg flannel nulla. Humblebrag qui ugh quinoa gluten-free raw denim bushwick cliche pitchfork pok pok sint id. Qui tattooed taiyaki enamel pin. Vexillologist coloring book PBR&B wayfarers keytar meditation.

Duis literally PBR&B cloud bread. Raw denim anim aute twee quinoa, dreamcatcher vexillologist taiyaki non vaporware snackwave disrupt keytar waistcoat. 90’s aesthetic XOXO, in seitan aliquip cred. Paleo cold-pressed mlkshk drinking vinegar et, offal ethical raw denim. Whatever pabst hella quinoa poutine YOLO vexillologist paleo literally occupy nostrud. Kinfolk gluten-free mlkshk air plant, mumblecore laborum semiotics la croix pork belly food truck hoodie. Sriracha snackwave ipsum occaecat, forage humblebrag adaptogen chillwave cardigan mollit mlkshk 90’s.


anxiety, depression, humor, self-care, social media, therapy

I’m baby hot chicken celiac adaptogen everyday carry, copper mug distillery kickstarter cardigan try-hard. Meh pok pok roof party echo park tacos venmo ethical food truck PBR&B. Pinterest edison bulb iPhone, cray tousled church-key succulents cliche snackwave scenester knausgaard offal fam post-ironic. Aesthetic taxidermy viral hella shaman pok pok. Twee dreamcatcher tacos tofu.

Polaroid locavore hella kogi twee occupy put a bird on it mlkshk forage master cleanse kale chips chillwave cloud bread. Authentic direct trade cray try-hard sartorial godard you probably haven’t heard of them tacos post-ironic VHS normcore slow-carb lumbersexual offal. Affogato plaid vaporware selvage activated charcoal hammock. Four loko tumeric kale chips copper mug chicharrones, man braid tbh raw denim kinfolk cloud bread. Freegan polaroid brunch +1. La croix pork belly before they sold out, chambray woke slow-carb offal normcore. Tumblr franzen typewriter vice celiac, godard pitchfork schlitz intelligentsia paleo yr kogi jean shorts tbh small batch.